Mutual Respect
The youth exchange "Mutual Respect" took place from 15-23 October 2021 in Copenhagen, Denmark and we implemented and disseminated the results at local and international level. The idea brought together 60 participants ( included the leaders of the groups to the total number) from different countries in order to meet the following objectives of the project:
1. to exchange informal learning and enrich cultural perspective through the art, dance and music;
2. to share the best practices in tackling cultural difference, integration and inclusion in youth work and intolerance;
3. to involve people with fewer opportunities to take part in alternative methods of learning which will give them a chance to discover new cultures, habits and life-styles, mainly through peer-learning;
4. to learn more about the ways how different concepts of citizenship impact upon youngster’s life across Europe through various alternative methods such as Art, music and dancing;
5. maintain and improve the physical condition as well as the quality of movement to perform daily activities;
6. to encourage Youth Exchange and cooperation between young people from different countries;
The Exchange project provided participants with serious knowledge engaged with experience from the different participating countries and know how methods of how to tackle the issue of intolerance in nowadays and day-to day life. Sharing experiences and good practices among the participants and the trainers was a tool used to improve the quality of the learning process and to enhance the informational capacity. Based on the methods we were applying in the program, our participants learned how to deal with certain intolerance in different fields. Participants solved intolerance in alternative ways, for example through the methods of dance, Art and music. Through the activities in the project they had the chance to explore methods, which brought a positive impact in finding solutions and solving intolerance within their own organizations. The program was created in a way to help participants develop emotional intelligence, analytical skills, and problem solving skills.
Our participants impacted also from the cultural prospective of Art, dance and music. These methods inspired and strengthen values like solidarity, democracy, friendship, etc between different nations. All of the people who took part in the project was able to give their own experience from life and take somebody else’s way of tackling cultural difference, integration and inclusion in youth work and intolerance. A huge impact we expect to bring to the people with fewer opportunities that will participate in the project. For them this was an experience that changed their vision about life, wake up their creativity and open their eyes for new opportunity for self-development, discover new cultures, habits and life-styles, mainly through peer-learning.
We established stable and long-term relationships with our partners. We hope for further cooperation and follow-up projects in the future. Finally, the project provided an added value to their regular educational activities and was clearly related to the mission of their organizations.
“Mutual Respect” improved the level of key competencies and skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities, as well as to promote participation in democratic life in Europe, active citizenship, inter-cultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity, in particular through increased learning mobility opportunities for young people, those active in youth organizations. "
1. to exchange informal learning and enrich cultural perspective through the art, dance and music;
2. to share the best practices in tackling cultural difference, integration and inclusion in youth work and intolerance;
3. to involve people with fewer opportunities to take part in alternative methods of learning which will give them a chance to discover new cultures, habits and life-styles, mainly through peer-learning;
4. to learn more about the ways how different concepts of citizenship impact upon youngster’s life across Europe through various alternative methods such as Art, music and dancing;
5. maintain and improve the physical condition as well as the quality of movement to perform daily activities;
6. to encourage Youth Exchange and cooperation between young people from different countries;
The Exchange project provided participants with serious knowledge engaged with experience from the different participating countries and know how methods of how to tackle the issue of intolerance in nowadays and day-to day life. Sharing experiences and good practices among the participants and the trainers was a tool used to improve the quality of the learning process and to enhance the informational capacity. Based on the methods we were applying in the program, our participants learned how to deal with certain intolerance in different fields. Participants solved intolerance in alternative ways, for example through the methods of dance, Art and music. Through the activities in the project they had the chance to explore methods, which brought a positive impact in finding solutions and solving intolerance within their own organizations. The program was created in a way to help participants develop emotional intelligence, analytical skills, and problem solving skills.
Our participants impacted also from the cultural prospective of Art, dance and music. These methods inspired and strengthen values like solidarity, democracy, friendship, etc between different nations. All of the people who took part in the project was able to give their own experience from life and take somebody else’s way of tackling cultural difference, integration and inclusion in youth work and intolerance. A huge impact we expect to bring to the people with fewer opportunities that will participate in the project. For them this was an experience that changed their vision about life, wake up their creativity and open their eyes for new opportunity for self-development, discover new cultures, habits and life-styles, mainly through peer-learning.
We established stable and long-term relationships with our partners. We hope for further cooperation and follow-up projects in the future. Finally, the project provided an added value to their regular educational activities and was clearly related to the mission of their organizations.
“Mutual Respect” improved the level of key competencies and skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities, as well as to promote participation in democratic life in Europe, active citizenship, inter-cultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity, in particular through increased learning mobility opportunities for young people, those active in youth organizations. "